Frugal Lifestyle during Coronavirus Pandemic: Survival Mode Style

The latest pandemic, Coronavirus, has put many lives into uncertainties. From working the same hours with less pay, working fewer hours with less pay, or even job loss. Many young people go back to live with their parents as they can’t afford the rent. But what about those who already have family or living overseas? There’s no other choice than just to survive and be as frugal as possible. Here are 10 tips on how to live in a survival mode.

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7 Frugal Living Tips During Coronavirus Lockdown

While there are still savings and government aid to help ease the financial burden of living costs, we often feel it’s not enough and many of us end up borrowing money from financial institutions hoping this loan can be quickly paid off when we go back to ‘normal’. If it’s possible, don’t borrow at all and adjust the living expenses to whatever available income at the moment.

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