Smart Grocery Shopping: 10 Tips

Setting a budget for grocery shopping is easy. The challenge is in doing the actual shopping, especially when we don’t want to spend on home delivery fees. Some of us often end up buying things we don’t need, often because they’re on sale, they’re new products and we have FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), or we suddenly crave certain things that we don’t usually buy, like Baileys flavoured ice cream. Below are 10 tips on smart grocery shopping that can help you stick with your budget:

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10 Cheap, Healthy Lunch Ideas Under $5 per Serve

Buying lunch, as we know, is a waste of money. Currently, the average price for lunch in Melbourne (Australia) is $14. Imagine if you buy it 5 times a week. That’s 48 weeks x 5 days x $14 = $3,360 a year. You could either invest or spend it for holiday. If we want to live frugally, we should always make and bring our own lunch. Below are 10 healthy lunch ideas under $5 per serve.

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10 Food Recipes from The Great Depression Era That Are Delicious… and Healthy

The Coronavirus pandemic has made everything rather unpredictable, especially jobs and income. Even if they’re not the same with the Great Depression, it has forced us to be more cautious with our budget. With limited ingredients and varieties, people in the Great Depression era were forced to come up with many creative ideas. Many of them are delicious but not healthy. In this post, I’d like to list ten recipes inspired by the Great Depression era that are not just delicious, but also healthy.

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Frugal Lifestyle during Coronavirus Pandemic: Survival Mode Style

The latest pandemic, Coronavirus, has put many lives into uncertainties. From working the same hours with less pay, working fewer hours with less pay, or even job loss. Many young people go back to live with their parents as they can’t afford the rent. But what about those who already have family or living overseas? There’s no other choice than just to survive and be as frugal as possible. Here are 10 tips on how to live in a survival mode.

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